An important component of the Selective Service System is its citizen volunteers who make up the local boards, district and national appeal boards, and the State Resource volunteers who help spread awareness about a man’s requirement to register. Volunteer board members are all chosen using a set of guidelines, ensuring that the most competent individuals for the job are appointed, while all are welcome to become State Resource volunteers.
Local Boards Members are nominated by the state governor or equivalent officials and appointed by the Director of the Selective Service System on behalf of the President.
Local Board Members play an important community role closely connected with our nation’s defense. In the event of a draft, Selective Service System local boards would decide which registrants in their respective communities receive deferments, postponements, and/or exemptions based upon established criteria.
In addition to Local Boards, volunteers serve on District Appeals Boards and the National Appeals Board.
In order to meet the minimum requirements for serving as a Local Board Member, you must be at least 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen who registered with Selective Service System, if male. Further, you must not be an active or retired career member of the Armed Forces, Reserves, and/or National Guard, and must not have been convicted of any criminal offense.
Join the SSS team as a volunteer. For more information and to reach SSS about this opportunity please download the SSS LBM brochure below.
A state resource volunteer is an individual who supports the agency’s state directors in various programs that enhance registration awareness and educate the public of Selective Service’s mission and purpose. These uncompensated volunteers lend a hand in high school and post office visits – ensuring they have the proper registration resources on hand – and they recruit local board members in their communities.
Any U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age, may volunteer to be a State Resource Volunteer. Males must also be registered with the Selective Service System.